
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Posted by -Gs | Tuesday, June 7, 2011 | Category: |

Garrett left last Wednesday for a few days in California. He spent 1 day up in San Francisco where his QR Code City team went to Google IO and met with investors. Garrett had one meeting with a large investor company there. They had had a ton of success with finding people who are interested in potentially investing in their start-up. So now it’s on to choosing who they want to go with and how to proceed.

They had 2 games in Cali that weekend. They lost 2-0 to Fresno and tied the other in Orange County. I’m sad I missed them.

I was back in Utah moving. We moved across the street into a little nicer apt, but a little smaller. We were looking for a change and a fresh start. We are redoing a bunch of things and getting rid of some of the crappier furniture we got when we first got started.

I’ve had fun shopping and planning out some new decorations. But Garrett is actually really involved in what is done. He likes to have a say in things. Its interesting trying to get our styles to blend. He’s a little more modern, I’m a little more country. But we are coming up with a good mix. I’ll post pics when it’s done.

Anyway… Saturday, I left for Florida with my family. We had been planning a trip for a while. I planned the whole thing. The thought was, if Garrett makes the soccer team, he wouldn’t go. But if he did make the team, he wouldn’t go. And, he made the team… so we spent a long 11 days apart. L

We flew in to Ft. Lauderdale with intentions to spend the first two days in the Keys. We got to our hotel in Key Largo. It seemed to be a pretty nice condo. I went to bed at 11:00. Jim came in to the bedroom to say good night and said, “mom, there is a bug on the wall… it’s a tick.” He then moved her pillows and found another. Then lifted up her sheets and found her bed to be infested with ticks. I jumped out of bed and there was a HUGE tick on my pillow (right where I was just sleeping). Turns out there were ticks in every bed. We called the front desk and left about 30 mins later with a refund. We found a hotel in Florida City, about 30 mins away. The front desk said the only way that ticks could have gotten in was from a dog or something from another guest. Either way… we will be writing a long post online destroying that hotel’s reputation. They messed with the wrong people.

Sunday it rained really hard in the morning. But by the afternoon it cleared up and we went on a GREAT boat ride out to a beautiful reef. They took us to a Jesus statue that was placed under water like 80 years ago. But there was tons of fish and great coral there. We went to a delicious seafood dinner… except I don’t really like seafood. Everyone else enjoyed it.

Monday we went to the Everglades. It’s the Maughan Family destination of choice. We took a fun boat tour where we saw lots of alligators. Not too many mosquitos like in years past. We stopped for a short walk around a spot where there were dozens of alligators. They were HUGE. And so close. That place is amazing. It will always hold a place in my heart.

We drove up to Orlando on Monday night which was about a 4 hour drive. Our hotel up here is great. We have a really fun hotel room with 3 rooms and a nice kitchen. We come back every day for either lunch or dinner. It saves so much money.

We’ve spent the last 3 days at Disney World. I've loved every second of it.

We did go one day to Universal Studios so that we could check out Harry Potter World. It was A-Mazing. Loved it! That ride is probably my all-time favorite now.

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